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Magic book for short film
Deer corpse
I've done a lot of roadkill taxidermy
Another dead deer
More deer corpse taxidermy
cryo buddy
Lovecraftian amulet
Spaceship model
spaceship giant styrene model greenscreen Deadstar
Jesse Lechok with his model
Jesse Lechok sits with a six foot spaceship model he built out of styrene and steel pipe. Just before filming on sound stage for the Deadstar project
fiberglass blaster
Blaster sculpted/fabricated by jesse Lechok. Molded & cast by Shawn Ronzio & students for Deadstar project
Giant mechanical hand
Working Animatronic prototype
Mechanical hand details
Garage door cables were used instead of bicycle cables. details of pulley system. engineering, Animatronics, puppeteering
matrix molds
a matrix mold demo. fiberglass, silicone
Mystic amulet
Wands for short film
2ft scorpion sculpture
wooden likeness
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