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Werewolf foam before hair

Hand laid hair on werewolf prosthetic

Hand laid hair on werewolf prosthetic

Hand laid hair on werewolf prosthetic

Hand laid hair on werewolf prosthetic

Hand laid hair on werewolf prosthetic

Krista Before

Krista Before

Krista After, Lace Facial Hair

Krista After, Lace Facial Hair and bald cap

Krista After, Lace Facial Hair, and bald cap

Matt Before

Matt Before

collodion scar, Distressing and chops ( hand laid ) application

Collodion scar, Distressing and chops( hand laid ) application

Collodion scar, Distressing and chops ( hand laid ) application

Dog Boy

DogBoy mechanical mask: Hand Laid fur and Hair custom created prosthetic

Dog Boy

DogBoy mechanical mask: footage from camera A.

Dog Boy

DogBoy mechanical mask: Hand Laid fur and Hair custom created prosthetic

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